
Did the earth move for you?

Esta mañana (2007-02-11, 11:35+0100), había un seísmo/terremoto, la magnitud Richter 6,1, con su epicentro en el mar al suroeste del Cabo de San Vicente, PT, 422km de Sevilla. En Andalucía era significativo, con la intensidad IV+ en Sevilla, Málaga, Cádiz, y Huelva; esto hasta sacudió Madrid...
(el Diario de SE tiene más información sobre SE; noticias de Google).

There was an earthquake off Portugal's sw.coast this morning, not too vicious but still a noticeable Richter 5+ -- they said IV but things did rock -- in Andalucía. My bed shook, rattled and rolled, but, alas, it was empty! ;-)

¿Se movió la tierra para ti?
¡Mi cama tembló, esto traqueteó y esto rodó, pero, ay, era vacío! ;-)

Instituto Geográfico Nacional:
  data/mapa: 724473
  Sismos próximos de los últimos 10 días
US Geological Survey:
  event name: 2007ysam


blogging again. On ES (v.EN), analysis, language, etc

I've not been blogging for the last couple of years but am taking another stab.

My intent is to comment constructively on various Spanish experiences.
I might also cover other items ...

Different countries have different cultures; some differences are subtle, such as those someone from one part of a country will notice when visiting another part -- different but not necessarily better. Visitors to Spain will enjoy a multitude of differences: some are weird and might be explained as cultural, some shortcomings in project management, etc.; others -- such as cuisine -- relish in a sort of anarchism that makes them such a success -- the ES won't easily be stopped by the road-blocks of life that hinder others.

If I do get too critical especially if it is unfair, I'm sure you will tell me.
Si mis garabatos son destinados solo a lectores españoles,
trataré de acordarme de escribir en spañolish.

Welcome / Bienvenido / Cead Mile Failte